Marley's Health Advice
About Me
Marley's Health Advice

Hey! My name is Marley and this is my health advice blog. Maintaining your health is easy when you are young. However, as you get older, you may develop illnesses and disorders as a result of your lifestyle choices. When I hit the age of 50 years old, I suddenly realised that I had a lot of problems which I had been ignoring for a long time. I decided to visit my doctor and seek help. Over the past year, I have worked closely with my doctor to improve my lifestyle and my health. I hope my blog inspires you to do the same.

Marley's Health Advice

  • Recovering from vascular surgery

    21 February 2018

    Every day, people undergo vascular surgery to treat a range of conditions affecting their veins, from aneurysms to atherosclerosis. If you're about to experience vascular surgery you may be wondering what steps you can take to ensure you get back to full health as soon as possible. While of course it's essential to follow the advice of your vascular surgeon and other members of your medical team, the person most responsible for guiding your recovery is you.

  • 3 tips for keeping your mouth guard clean

    25 January 2018

    Mouth guards are a fantastic piece of medical kit for all sportsmen and athletes. Whether you play rugby, hockey, or Aussie Rules, there are vastly well documented benefits of wearing a mouth guard when playing sports. Mouth guards are also increasingly used with children, teenagers and even adults who are prone to grinding their teeth during the night. Of course, as they are in close proximity to your mouth for large parts of the day, maintaining hygiene levels and ensuring you care for your mouth guard is vital for keeping it in a good condition and ensuring you do not put your own dental hygiene at risk.

  • Three Types of Physiotherapy That Arthritis Patients Will Love

    22 January 2018

    If you're suffering from arthritis of any type, your medical caregivers may recommend physiotherapy as a natural form of pain relief. Whilst physiotherapy isn't quite so fast as taking a tablet for your pain, it offers a completely gentle and non-invasive type of relief that might just give you long-term relief rather than a quick fix. Below, you'll learn about three physiotherapy treatments can help relieve your arthritis pain. Moist Heat Therapy

  • Prostate cancer and your bladder function

    16 January 2018

    For some men, the first symptom of prostate cancer is bladder problems.  At the other end, prostate cancer surgery can cause urinary incontinence.  The bladder and the prostate are intimately related. Understanding their relationship and possible implications of both prostate cancer itself and any treatment for it is essential for all men, especially if you've been diagnosed with the disease. Your prostate and bladder are neighbours Both the prostate and the bladder lie in your pelvis.

  • Why Choose Veneers Over Crowns to Fix Cosmetic Issues?

    20 December 2017

    When you want to correct the appearance of your teeth, veneers are a common treatment method. However, some people are confused about the difference between veneers and crowns, and some even think that crowns will be a more suitable option for correcting cosmetic issues. However, this is not the case. Firstly, veneers and crowns share some similarities but are still very different. Both are usually made from porcelain, and both are fitted to the teeth.