Hey! My name is Marley and this is my health advice blog. Maintaining your health is easy when you are young. However, as you get older, you may develop illnesses and disorders as a result of your lifestyle choices. When I hit the age of 50 years old, I suddenly realised that I had a lot of problems which I had been ignoring for a long time. I decided to visit my doctor and seek help. Over the past year, I have worked closely with my doctor to improve my lifestyle and my health. I hope my blog inspires you to do the same.
14 December 2019
Senior adults experience mobility problems caused by aging and long-term illnesses such as arthritis, COPD, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Physiotherapy is an effective intervention to improve mobility and muscle strength and to reduce pain and falls. In the extract below, you will learn how you can improve the effectiveness of physiotherapy among the elderly. Strong Support Mechanism One of the reasons why physio can be ineffective among the elderly is that they lack the drive to attend physio sessions.
25 October 2019
People that suffer from anxiety often experience nervousness, dry mouth, chest pains, fatigue and excessive sweating when confronted with a situation that makes them anxious. Read the extract below to get a better understanding of anxiety and anxiety counselling. What Is Anxiety? Anxiety is a normal human reaction to a stressful event. Everyone has been anxious at some point. However, anxiety becomes a disorder when it becomes uncontrollable. For instance, most people are anxious when taking their first flight.
26 July 2019
Before the emergence of rechargeable hearing aids, typical hearing aids were only powered by disposable batteries. Currently, you can either choose between rechargeable hearing aids or hearing aids powered by disposable batteries. Rechargeable hearing aids have become popular lately because of the benefits they offer. Find out more below. What Are Your Options? If you already own hearing aids powered by disposable batteries and you want rechargeable hearing aids, you can either have your current hearing aids modified by a qualified person or buy new rechargeable hearing aids.
24 April 2019
Most parents may not know the right age for their daughter to visit a gynaecologist. It is usually recommended to visit the gynaecologist at around 15 years of age. A visit to the gynaecologist does not mean your daughter will be physically examined. A physical examination is recommended if there are health issues related to the genitals or breasts. At times, the patient needs to be 21 years of age for a physical exam to be done in the case where there are no symptoms.
14 January 2019
Around 14,320 cases of melanoma were diagnosed in Australia in 2018. As a form of skin cancer that has a high survival rate, melanoma is easy to treat. Other more aggressive forms of skin carcinomas are not. Regardless of which type you want to watch out for, it's worth learning more about the warning signs that are popular amongst dermatologists. The ABCDE rules An excellent starting point when examining your skin is to apply the ABCDE rules.